It’s not a game. It’s your money.

And we want to help you make more of it!

A Fantastic Online Community of Traders, Investors, and Entrepreneurs

TraderPunks are people who like to take risks with their money and LOVE the rewards that come with that. We trade crypto, stocks, futures, bonds, options, gold, silver, real estate, and NFTs. One thing they all crave is authenticity and community with fellow humans who understand the game!

Show Your Tribe

TraderPunk NFTs will be used around the world as a badge that shows your Tribe. It gives you access to an exclusive club to rub shoulders with the more experienced investors and help elevate those who are less experienced. At a large conference, the real wisdom is at the after party where relationships are cemented and people truly connect.
Build a reputation with your digital identity, but stay as anonymous as you prefer.

Be 1-in-4000

Each holder of one of the 4000 generative TraderPunk NFTs receives members only access to the exclusive TraderPunk Universe where we utilize the latest Theta Blockchain technology for communication.

  • Private Discord

    Your TraderPunk NFT is your passport to a private Discord (and private website). The Discord private chat will be open to all TraderPunks. Avatars required and usernames that won’t change will help create authenticity and trust among members.

  • Theta TV

    ThetaTV (utilizing the future ThetaPass) will be used to host weekly live “Happy Hour” private events where people can come together and chat about their week, tell stories, share wisdom, ask questions, or just hang out and listen. The TraderWisdom received in these events is priceless.
    (Until activated, Happy Hour will be live in private Discord)

  • Events

    Quarterly events will be available to all members. This will be a special speaker, a conference, or a MetaVerse party. Available at no charge to TraderPunk members.
    See VISION for more in depth detail.

  • Punktuity

    Punktuity feature encouraged. At their option, TraderPunks can tip TFuel directly into other wallets and in particular to specific speakers. This encourages a win/win atmosphere as the community engages with each other.